There are just some things that seem to pop up in movies again and again. Like the bond villain having a cat, the globe bar, the fancy guy serving whiskey from a carafe, or in today’s age, the MacBook
What is that green light lamp in movies?

I’m sure you’ve all noticed it – that mysterious green lamp that seems to appear in every Hollywood movie. Well, I’m here to confirm that you’re not imagining things.
It’s time to pay attention and spot this lamp in every movie you watch. You’ll be amazed at how often it shows up, like a recurring character in its own right. But what’s the story behind this lamp? Why is it so popular in the film industry?
Turns out, this lamp is actually known as “The Banker’s Lamp“. It was designed to improve work productivity and increase brain power, with its green shade thought to have a calming effect on the mind. This iconic lamp design has been used in libraries, banks, and offices for over a century, and it seems that Hollywood has taken notice.
So, the next time you spot that emerald green glow in the background of a movie, you’ll know the story behind it. Keep an eye out for it and see if you can spot it in all your favorite films. I recommend you read my post where I talk about his story-it’s really fascinating!
It is a uniquely designed object that is hard to find in stores. In fact, I’ve written a guide to the best bankers lamps you can find online.
Where have you seen it?
Like me, you have probably seen the bankers lamp on both the big and small screen from time to time. To give you some examples, it has graced movie scenes with its presence in award-winning movies like “There will be blood” starring Daniel Day-Lewis, the Bond movie “Casino Royale” with Daniel Craig, and the first installment of Christopher Nolan’s terrific Batman trilogy, “Batman begins” starring Christian Bale.
Whether you have seen these movies or not, you might not always notice it, as it often just appear for a second in the background of a scene, while being a prominent fixture in others.
If you claim you haven’t seen it before, i beg to differ, you just haven’t noticed. The thing is that these lamps are EVERYWHERE, it doesn’t matter if it’s a children’s movie or horror movie.
It’s presence in popular culture
Whether you have seen it or not, the bankers lamp is a prominent feature in popular culture all over the world, not just in Hollywood. By searching a bit online, you can come across multiple screenshots from various movies and TV-shows all over the globe.
Many people take notice, as there are tumblr pages publishing pictures of spotted bankers lamps, in addition, some of these spotters have created their own association, “the green lamp spotter association” who even has their own Facebook group.
In the Seinfeld episode “The library” from season 3, the bankers lamp can be seen in the library.
By this point, you are probably itching for some more examples, and I’m going to give you somewhere you can actually check it out for yourself. In the original “It”, based on Steven Kings novel, you can spot a green bankers lamp behind the receptionist in the library before Pennywise shows up.
It can be spotted in the courtroom scene from “law abiding citizen”, another great movie:
If you doubt that I can give you an example of a children’s movie, you are wrong, The lamp is all over the place in the library scene from Pixar’s “Monsters University”.
Because of its name, Hollywood has, of course, found a spot for it in scenes taking place in banks. One example is in the gangster drama “Road to Perdition” starring Tom Hanks where the bankers lamp is lined up at each desk as they walk into the bank. Although they don’t have the traditional green color, I couldn’t help but notice when I saw the movie again a little while ago.
Another cool example of its presence in a bank is in the complementary scene to the movie “500 days of summer” featuring Joseph Gordon-Levitt and Zooey Deschanel, where the green bankers lamp is firmly placed on the desk in the bank being silently robbed by Gordon-Levitt.
I thought they really got it right. The lamp just seems to add authenticity and style to the scene with its calming green hue, which any other regular desk lamp simply wouldn’t be able to.
The best scene featuring the bankers lamp
I saved this last example for a reason, its a real treat. Just to set the mood, a big part of its popularity among bankers and in libraries is that the green light that the lamp casts is thought to be psychologically soothing, having a calming effect that enhances concentration and focus.
This is brought to the screen in arguably the greatest movie scene featuring the green bankers lamp. The scene is the library scene from David Fincher’s crime thriller “seven”, featuring Morgan Freeman and Brad Pitt.
Without spoiling anything, detective Somerset, played by Freeman, heads to the library after hours to do some research. He is let in by the security guards on the night shift before being greeted by 2 dozens or so, neatly glowing green bankers lamps, lighting up a high ceiling, classic library.
Whether the green light from the lamps actually have the psychologically soothing effect or not, this scene will certainly make you believe so. Even more so when the calming classical music masterpiece, “air” by Bach starts playing the background as detective Somerset starts his research into the motives and inspiration for the movie killer.
During the scene, the bankers lamp adds brilliantly to the scene with its classic style perfectly complementing the library. In addition, their green light perfectly sets the mood for Somersets late night studying.
The scene was shot in the former Bank of America building at 650 south spring street in Los Angeles, and probably boosted sales for green bankers lamps all over the globe, it certainly made me get one!
So why does it show up in movies all the time?
Its frequent appearance in popular culture is in large part related to its history and the belief that the green light it casts is psychologically soothing and comfortable for the eyes. This is what made it so popular among bankers, in libraries, courtrooms and so on.
You can read more about the history of the bankers lamp in this article.
Because the lamp became omnipresent with banks and libraries, clever Hollywood set designers capitalized on this whenever creating a set for a bank or library, as they greatly contributed to setting the mood for the scene, making it seem authentic.
Its association with bankers and other academics, given that it was no cheap lamp back in the days, also led to it being associated with individuals of higher social class. Because of this, it is often displayed on the desk in a set to make the viewer think of the owner as an upper-class individual.
Although not as prominent among bankers and academics today, the appearance of the lamp still makes us feel that the scene is more authentic, especially if it appears on a stylish, dark brown, mahogany desk in a movie set back in time.

Even if the green bankers lamp is used to provoke some feeling of nostalgia, it still appears in scenes in movies set in present time. Perhaps it is because of its great, stylish look that adds a little extra to the scene, or it might be that because it was used in the past, present movie makers simply choose to use it as well, much like the Wilhelm scream. (if you don’t know what it is, Google it!).
No matter what it is, the green bankers lamp remains an iconic, stylish lamp that is likely to be a prominent feature in popular culture in the future as well as on desks all over the world.
If you know about any scenes in movies or TV shows with a bankers lamp, share it in the comments. If the scene can be found on youtube be sure to add the link as well.
List of movies and TV-shows with bankers lamps in it
- The silence of the lambs (1991)
- Frasier (TV, 1993-2004)
- Patch adams (1998)
- Whiplash (2014)
- Django Unchained (2019)
- Wonder woman (2017)
- Oldboy (2003)
- Seven (1995)
- A nightmare on Elm street (1984)
- Batman begins (2005)
- Hot fuzz (2007)
- James bond: Casino royale (2006) & quantum of solace (2008)
- Goonies (1985)
- The place beyond the pines (2012)
- Jaws (1975)
- Legally blonde (2001)
- 10 things i hate about you (1999)
- The conjuring (2013)
- Band of Brothers (TV mini series, 2001)
- The bourne identity (2002)
- Bronson (2008)
- The adventures of Tintin (2011)
- Sinister (2012)
- The knick (TV, 2014-2015)
- Road to perdition (2002)
- Layer cake (2004)
- There will be blood (2007)
- 30 Rock (TV, 2006-2013)
- Breaking bad (TV, 2008-2013)
- Law abiding citizen (2009)
- Boiler room (2000)
- Seinfeld (TV, 1989-1998)
- Pushing daisies (TV, 2007-2009)
- White collar (TV, 2009-2014)
- Brooklyn nine-nine (TV, 2013-)
- Supernatural (TV, 2005-)
- Dr. Who (TV, 2005-)
- Friends (TV, 1994-2004)
- JFK (1991)
- Network (1976)
- House MD (TV, 2004-2012)
- Boardwalk empire (TV, 2010-2014)
- State of play (2009)
- Arrested development (TV, 2003-)
- Sleepy hollow (TV, 2013-2017)
- Twin peaks (TV, 1990-1991)
- Sherlock (TV, 2010-)
- Stand by me (1986)
- Back to school (1986)
- Ellery Queen (TV, 1975-1976)
- Poirot (TV, 1989-2013)
- Broadcast News (1987)
- Dick Tracy (1990)
- The Thomas Crown Affair (1968)
- Trading places (1983)
- Clue (1985)
- Star Trek: First contact (1996)
- It’s Always Sunny In Philadelphia (TV, 2005-Present)
- Narcos (TV, 2015-2017)
- Gosnell (2018)
- Star chamber (1983)
- Death of a nation (2018)
- Friday the 13th: the final chapter (1984)
- Goodfellas (1990)
- Gilmore girls (TV, 2000-2007)
- The verdict (1982)
- The firm (1993)
- 3 Men and a baby (1987)
There is also in Criminal Minds season 1 episode 17
Sure, you got it! 🙂
I just spotted it at minute 51 of Wendell and Wild! Had no idea other people were obsessed with this lamp. Whenever I see it in a movie I yell out.
I have seen one green and one blue lamp in Young Sheldon
it’s also in the tv show Young Sheldon
This lamp is in most (probably) episodes of Magnum PI (the original show), every time they have a scene in Higgins’s “office”. Surprised it hasn’t been mentioned already :)!!
You can add the TV show Yellowstone to the list.
Is it alright to put a portion of this on my personal webpage if I submit a reference to this site?
I’m a big lover of film, just ordered a green lamp for my new house here in the Philippines. Love seeing green lamps in movies, just saw it right now in Trial by Fire (2018)
Hello guys.
Spotted two in the same desk in Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade. The library guy stamping books in Venice cathedral.
Hi I just bought a green lamp at an antique shop for my daughter. We noticed it in two movies so far. Set It Off and My Cousin Vinnie.
Spotted in Homeland, The Stand and Community. I’m not sure which specific episodes though, sorry!
Just noticed a scene in “The Peacemaker” with about a dozen Bankers’ lamps!
Spotted in season 3 episode 6 of The Crown
Just spotted it in 3 Men and a Baby (1987)
Thank you Rob, will be added
The Verdict with Paul Newman 1982
The Firm with Tom Cruise 1992
Hello Melissa
Thank you, will be added as soon as I find the time
I’ve also spotted it in Gilmore Girls on season 6
Will be added, thanks
Hi, also in Scroseses Goodfellas 🙂
Hi Lucy
How come I never noticed, I love that movie. Will be added, thanks
Just saw it in Friday the 13th: the final chapter
It’s also in: Death of a Nation (2018)
For those who can’t find (or afford) an original Green Lamp, if found a online store in The Netherlands that shows a dozen or so replica’s . Don’t know about shipment cost but prices seem low.
The Star Chamber, with Michael Douglas, is another example of the iconic Bankers Lamp.
Will be added! thank you and merry christmas
I saw the green lamp on previews of the new movie called Gosnell based on a true story
Will be added! thanks
several years I have spotted my green lamp on many many shows and would take pictures. I plan to leave my green lamp to someone and my family as an heirloom. Love my green lamp. By the way I bought mine at a senior citizens resale shop.
That’s a good idea! and congratulations on your find!
Hey it’s in the it’s always sunny in Philadelphia episode with M Night Syamalam came while they are writing there script thank you for this it explained a lot.
The list is growing, keep em coming!
just saw one in The Last Man with Hayden and Harvey. My mom had one of these when i was a kid in the late 80’s. I threw it away several years ago. Seems like i see them everywhere now. Weird shit dude.
General Hospital has them in the courtroom scenes
Another one! thanks for the tip, will be added to the list
Back To School – in library – Rodney Dangerfield
Great! will be added
Hello, it’s me again.
I promise you that I will stop posting links after this. ha ha ha 🙂
In these days I tried to remember films and TV series in which green lamps appear.
These are my results:
TV Series:
– ELLERY QUEEN (starring Jim Hutton)
video (0:11)
– MURDOCH MYSTERIES (a Canadian series about a detective in Toronto, around the turn of the twentieth century)
– POIROT (starring David Suchet)
ss this is a white one, but I’m pretty sure there are green lamps in other episodes.
– ABSOLUTE POWER (Seen recently. There is a scene set in the lawyer’s office of the Laura Linney character in which you can see bankers lamps on desks while she is talking to the detective (Ed Harris). [No video or screenshots found].
– THE THOMAS CROWN AFFAIR (the original one with Steve McQueen)
video (at 0:12 and 0:56)
video (amber lamps)
video (0:16)
– STAR TREK – FIRST CONTACT (and in the other episodes of the TNG series where Jean-Luc Picard (Patrick Stewart) plays hard-boiled detective Dixon Hill)
video (0:55 on the background)
Thank you for reading patiently
Have a nice day!
haha! no, keep them coming! great work, will add them to the list. Have a great Weekend.
Hi, I’m very happy to have found this site. I’m a fan of bankers lamps too!!!
In the ending scene of “Stand By Me”, you can find a green lamp on the desk where Richard Dreyfuss is writing (here is the youtube link (
Recently I’m watching Bull, a tv-series starring actor Michael Weatherly (NCIS), a psychologist who select the right jurors to win a trial. Because most of the scenes take place in a court or legal offices , it’s often possible to see bankers lamp on tables and desks.
Hey there Umberto!
Thats great, I’m really glad to hear that! and good job on spotting those bankers lamps, I’ll be sure to add them to the list ASAP
Have a nice weekend!